Boston Light Swim

All photos by Sacred Harbor Photography An eight mile swim across Boston Harbor seems like a great way to return to New England. Boston Light on Little Brewster Island I entered the lottery on a lark. I wasn't sure if I should move back to New England. Nearly fifteen years had passed since my parents drove me to Washington, and I never felt drawn back. Still, I needed to do something…


In Defense of the Night Swim

It’s evening rush hour, traffic is gridlocked, happy hours are full and noisy, street lights create odd shadows on the street; a typical Tuesday evening in the city. Sometimes the city breathes life into you, to be amongst other people sharing this uniquely human experience. For those other days, when it makes you feel alone, powerless, overwhelmed, or claustrophobic, there is the night swim. It's dark when I step out from…

Naked in Alaska
Getting ready to enter Sitka Sound

Naked in Alaska

I have been a swimmer for as long as I can remember. I have always savored the freedom of pulling off your clothes and jumping in the water, enjoyed the escape into a different world. I belonged in that world even if I couldn’t stay underwater as long or swim as fast as the other creatures. Diving down to hide before launching a surprise attack on my unsuspecting sister, fighting my…

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