Boston Light Swim

All photos by Sacred Harbor Photography An eight mile swim across Boston Harbor seems like a great way to return to New England. Boston Light on Little Brewster Island I entered the lottery on a lark. I wasn't sure if I should move back to New England. Nearly fifteen years had passed since my parents drove me to Washington, and I never felt drawn back. Still, I needed to do something…


Until Next Time

One day if I go to heaven... I'll look around and say 'It ain't bad. But it ain't San Francisco. Herb Caen I’m going to miss the fog. The fog, affectionately known as Karl, has been my companion on many late night hikes, bike rides, and camping trips. It has kept me cool in what would otherwise be an unbearably hot summer and provided hours of entertainment as I watched it…


How to Train for Self-Isolation

Note that while I believe bike life has prepared me for quarantine life, bike touring is not the same as quarantine. Going on a bike tour now is irresponsible. It is a good way to add more stress to already stressed communities. The consequences of an otherwise simple injury or minor illness could be dire. Please just stay put and make an adventure out of that. Every morning I wake up…

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