There But by the Grace of God Go I

This was written last summer but I held off on publishing it. I was still trying to figure out how to sleep at night and writing helped to pass the time in a constructive way. The loss of Lauren and Jay has truly reminded me that life is precious and not to take tomorrow for granted. The smallest kindnesses can have a huge effect on someone so always be kind. I…

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Solstice Microadventure

The sirens’ song rang in my ears. I had resisted their call for weeks, keeping myself at work and away from the coast. As the nights shortened so did my ability to resist, and on the solstice I found myself on my Siren rendezvousing with the Pacific. I pedaled along the bay, sun in my eyes, wind in my face. I followed the traffic then the tourists angling for the best…


In Defense of the Night Swim

It’s evening rush hour, traffic is gridlocked, happy hours are full and noisy, street lights create odd shadows on the street; a typical Tuesday evening in the city. Sometimes the city breathes life into you, to be amongst other people sharing this uniquely human experience. For those other days, when it makes you feel alone, powerless, overwhelmed, or claustrophobic, there is the night swim. It's dark when I step out from…

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