Amazon Music Review

I will start this off by confessing that I’m not much of a music fan. I enjoy going to concerts every once in a while but I rarely listen to music on my own and when I do it’s generally just whatever happens to be on the radio. Due to my ambivalence about music I refused to pay for a music streaming service. When I found an album I enjoyed I would buy it and load it onto my iPod or, later, my phone.

Like many people, I have an Amazon Prime membership. I was looking for an album several years ago when I discovered that a CD purchase included a digital copy that was added to my Amazon Music library. After that I came to rely on this library to store all of my music. Some time after I started using Amazon Music they started adding music that was available for free (included with a Prime membership). I found it incredibly easy to use and it generally included music that I was interested in listening to so I continued using Amazon Music as my go to music app.

I have no idea how the features of Amazon Music compare to other services like Spotify. My only experience with Spotify is researching their pricing model for an old job. This is the perfect service for someone like me: someone who doesn’t care too much about music and already has a Prime membership. That being said, the library is large, they tend to have current popular songs available for free download, and there are no ads.

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