If You Can Dodge Traffic You Can Dodge a Ball

If Patches O'Houlihan is to believed, ESPN8 "the ocho" ought to start filming dodgeball games in Southeast Asia. No crosswalks, no traffic lights or signs, and sidewalks that exist solely for parking; as of this writing, I have not seen an accident or near miss. The difference seems to come from a recognition by drivers that the road is not personal property. It is a space shared by cars, motorbikes, bicycles,…


Thanksgiving, Cambodian Style

I'm one of the few Americans who does not particularly enjoy Thanksgiving. I find it stressful, I'm not a huge fan of traditional Thanksgiving foods, and it is placed so close to both Veterans Day and Christmas on the calendar that I think it would be more useful in March or August when you've been in long period of no days off. I haven't met many Americans so far in Cambodia…


Scuba weekend

The only hard dates that I had for this trip was 9-23 Dec I had a massage course in Chiang Mai. I had almost three weeks from when I left Bangkok until the start of the course so my original plan was to spend a few days in Phnom Penh, another few days in Siem Reap (near Angkor) then the rest of the time in Laos. It always seems like there…


Bangkok: Not the Hangover

Full disclosure: the Hangover 2 formed almost all of my pre-arrival perception of Bangkok. Thankfully, that was not my experience. I came to Bangkok to eat and get cheap massages. I succeeded on both counts, and was pleasantly surprised by the rest of what Bangkok had to offer. My first full day was spent sightseeing: the palace, Wat Poh, Arun Wat. Everything was so shiny that it was hard to see…


I’m Totally Not a Shoe Girl But…

I love my FiveFingers.  I think anyone who knows me already knows this, but since I'm travelling and trying to get better about blogging, the world is getting this post. Hiking to Lantau Peak in Hong Kong Reasons FiveFingers are Awesome Travel Shoes: 1. They keep your feet much cooler than sneakers but are much sturdier than flip flops. 2. You can wash them in the shower. 3. Given that outside…


Hong Kong

Cal, the master of promoting all things Cal, wanted to me to clarify that this week in Hong Kong is not actually part of my sabbatical, but rather, my sabbatiCal.  (He's been letting me crash on his couch so I'm not in a position to deny this request).  Now onto slightly less Cal related things...Given that I really needed a chance to recharge after a hectic couple of months, easing into…


Easing into Sabbatical

After a year or so of growing restless I finally took the plunge and decided to get out of DC.  This was a tough decision because I actually like DC.  Of all the cities I have traveled to, DC has always felt the most comfortable and home like to me.  I didn't dislike my job, friends, or life in general.  The problem was that for the past three years I have…


Ugh, Not Another Utkatasana

I've noticed in both my personal practice and my teaching lately that I have shying away from chair pose (utkatasana).  This is a very common pose and part of the surya B sequence so I encounter it in every class I take and teach.  Utkatasana is sometimes referred to as "victory pose."  Lately, this pose has not been feeling very victorious.I first noticed my aversion to chair pose this summer.  In…


Maybe Running Isn’t That Bad After All…

I'm sure many of you have heard me complain about running.  It's never been my favorite way to exercise and as far as transportation is concerned, there are much more efficient ways to get someplace.  Unfortunately, I'm pretty competitive and I've been hanging around runners.  After some friendly reminders of looming registration deadlines, my non-runner friend and I decided to sign up for the Marine Corps 10k this October.  When we…


Just Ride

Last night I was riding over to a local bike shop for their regular Tuesday night ride.  I decided in late July that I wanted to improve my cadence, so I finally broke down and bought a Garmin (I held out for over a year).  I know I look at it way too frequently when I ride, but I didn't realize just how dependent I had become until last night.  I…

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