Tromsø to Nordkapp

Dates: 13 June 2019 - 19 June 2019Distance: 370 milesElevation Gain: 21749 feetAverage Min Temp While Riding: 38.2F0 Mile Days: 0Nights Spent Indoors/Outdoors: 0/7 I was on my bike at 6:30pm with a renewed excitement to get moving. I needed to get to Nordkapp by the solstice so that I could be back in Tromsø in time to meet my friend for a sauna. This may sound silly but sweat bathing…


Sometimes Norway Slaps You in the Face

Wind, cold, or rain. Pick two. That's Norway. I came prepared for bad weather. I have been prepared for bad weather. It's still a little disheartening when the locals tell you that this is unseasonably bad weather. I have yet to experience wind, cold, and rain at once for more than a minute or two. When this happens the rain feels like hail against my exposed cheeks and ears but it…


Lofoten to Tromsø

Dates: 3 June 2019 - 13 June 2019Distance: 311 milesElevation Gain: 16122 feetAverage Min Temp While Riding: 45.7F0 Mile Days: 1Nights Spent Indoors/Outdoors: 3/7 A giant postcard perfect beach all to myself I've heard from several travel writers and friends who travel a lot that Lofoten is stunning and one of the greatest places they've been. They undersold it. There are no crowds on Arctic beaches I hopped on the ferry…


Trondheim to Bodø

Leaving the harbor at Bodø The white spotted dorsal fin of the mountain porpoises through the skyline of Bodø as we leave the harbor. I felt some sadness as I left those mountains that I could only occasionally see but always feel, whose presence I outwardly cursed while inwardly admiring. Only as the ferry motors away from land on a clear day can I see how far the mountains extend, how…


Velkommen til Norge

After spending my first day in Norway sleeping, I roll out of bed and down the hill to the National Day parade. Norwegians are dressed up in their finest traditional clothes or their best suits, everyone is waving a flag, and the sound of a drum corps echos throughout the city. Everyone is out. I hear a Swede complain that Norway is just so much more crowded than where she lives.…

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