Diet Goal Setting

My goal with my recent diet attempt is not so much to lose weight, as to redefine my relationship with my food.  I know that with my current eating habits I have huge swings in energy, I lack motivation to get up and do anything, I have trouble focusing (possibly due to energy fluctuations), and feel the need to binge on sweets.  I proved to myself that I could go without sweets (although chocolate over 50% cocoa was not excluded) for three days.  On the fourth I broke.  For those three days I had no crazy energy swings, I was more focused and productive at work and at home than I have been in a very long time, and I felt good about myself.
I simply love my desserts, so I am going to start binge fest weekend early, and reattempt this diet to start my next year off with good intentions.  Many people use new year’s as a time to set resolutions.  I prefer my birthday so over the next few days I will be posting with my new year resolutions.

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