Sears Tower Fail

The first time I climbed the Sears tower, I wound up not coming home for six months. I hated my job more each day and found it increasingly difficult to get out of bed. I lacked the motivation to pull myself out of this slump, not quite realizing that I didn’t have to do this for the rest of my life. One of my best friends was living in Hong Kong,…


What’s Next?

What's Been Going on Since Aon LA? After Aon LA I decided to go kind of nuts on the bike. I put in some crazy high mileage weeks (for me), intentionally rode dirt for the first time, and always took the high road to take advantage of those stair climbing muscles. I kept saying that I wanted to lose some weight but I know I have trouble dropping weight while primarily riding,…


Hartford Marathon Recap

As many of you know, I've never been much of a runner. I ran in high school when I played field hockey and softball but I rarely ran outside of that. About two years ago I started hanging out with more runners and slowly got sucked into their world. I started with a 10k last October and, on the eve of heading off to Asia, I registered for a marathon. At…


Trust Your Gut

As I wrap up my first stint in the corporate world, I've been doing a lot of meditating on what my next steps are and what I envision my life to be. When I left for the winter, I could feel myself physically rejecting my job. I was getting sick, lethargic yet had trouble sleeping, and gaining weight. As soon as I left, I immediately felt better and lost the weight.…


The Savings Account that Everyone Needs

via Back in 2010, JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater made headlines with his dramatic exit from a twenty year career. This incident came just a few months after I graduated from college and a month after I started my first full time job. It got me thinking about how a person could be driven to do something so dramatic and what the consequences for those actions are. I was raised…


Follow Your Passion…

Follow your passion, and success will follow you. ~Terri Guillemets   This is advice that my peers and I have been told all throughout our lives. Find something you love and eventually the money will follow. This makes intuitive sense; if you do what you love for a job then you are willing to commit to it and tough out the hard times. However, the reality that I see in most…


Goal 4: Complete One Unassisted Pullup

I realize that pullups are second nature to many people, but I've generally just treated pullup bars as a fun place to play.  Despite having one in my kitchen, I still am unable to complete a full pullup unassisted.  So, my newest goal is to complete one full unassisted pullup (any grip) by my next birthday.  Definitely an attainable goal, but I need to stop simply hanging from the bar and…


Hustle Up the Hancock 2012!

I just registered for this winter's Hustle Up the Hancock race.  The race is 94 flights (1632 stairs) up the Hancock building in Chicago.  The race is a fundraiser for the Respiratory Health Association in Chicago.  I already usually take the stairs instead of the elevator and I commute by bike so I think my base is okay, but climbing specific training starts next week.  I expect to do a lot…


Goal 3: Swim More

Although I never swam competitively, I have swum for pleasure and exercise my entire life.  However, now that I moved two blocks from a pool, I just never seem to go anymore.  My number one excuse is that I like how my hair is at exactly that day.  A lame excuse, but completely in line with my priorities in life.  So, I will set a day and time where I at…


Goal 2: Bike Tour

On my vacation this past summer, I was hiking in the Cinque Terre with a Belgian retiree who asked me where were some interesting spots to visit if he were to go to the US.  I initially rattled off the major eastern cities like New York and Washington, but beyond that I had no idea.  I started thinking about why I seemed to vacation in Europe more often than the US.…

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